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plein air paintings

Plein Air Paintings

En plein air is a French expression meaning "in the open air" used to describe the act of painting outdoors.

Use the arrows to see a sample of my paintings from the coast and hills of the San Francisco Bay Area and the San Jaun Islands in Washington.

San Juan Island in Northern Washington, August 2006. <strong>My Favorite Tree.</strong> Oil on 11" x 14" canvas. <strong>Gazos Creek Access Beach.</strong> Oil on 30" x 40" stretched canvas. <strong>Bolinas Beach 2.</strong> Oil on 12" x 16" linen panel. <strong>Light through Trees.</strong> Oil on 22" x 24" gesso panel. <strong>S. Dunes Beach.</strong> Oil on 12" x 16" canvas panel. <strong>Golden Gate.</strong> Oil on 12" x 16" linen panel. <strong>Monte Bello Ridge.</strong> Oil on 12" x 16" linen panel. <strong>China Camp.</strong> Oil on 16" x 20" canvas panel. <strong>Madronnas.</strong> Oil on 12" x 16" linen panel.